I have some problems with my dolls... or my saddles... or both. Not all my saddles have the perfect stirrup length for my dolls, and not all my dolls sit very well. Since I have a lot of models, in all scales, and I want to tack them all (I know, bad me!) I have a lot of saddles. Since I don't have unlimited amounts of money, most are older, or not specifically fitted to dolls, at least not my dolls.
Then there are my many dolls- I use, or try to use, all of them, including the OF Breyers. I do have a few LSQ professionally done, recent dolls, but they don't fit all my models. In fact, this shoot has shown me how badly I need a small traditional/classic sized good doll!
I'm not sure if these dolls fall under the category of bad enough to hurt the entry, or not as bad as empty saddles. What do you think?
I just can't get this doll's legs under him. The mailbox photo sort of disguises it, but the bridge photo shows his very "chair seat". Would it be better to lose him?
This one sits well, but the stirrups are too short for him, which pushes him back on the cantle. The saddle is the only one I have that fits the model pretty well. Most of mine are too large, or too small. Would an entry be better without the doll at all?